Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Welcome Y'all

Welcome to Green Acres. . .a little blog centered around life on our farm.  So, who are we?  We are Wet Hammock Nursery.  We began life as a citrus and cattle farm in the early 1900's.  In 1992, we became more closely related to who were are now, Douglass Tree Farm, a small family farm specializing in ornamental tress marketed exclusively to landscapers and developers.  After the downturn in the economy, we knew it would become important for us to diversify if we wanted to keep our farm alive.  In 2011, we began Wet Hammock Nursery to meet this need.  We moved out of our role as a wholesale tree farm and into our new role as a retail farm now offering native plants, edibles, pesticide-free produce, and of course, ornamental trees.  It is now 2013 and we are continuing to grow and find our place in our community.  As the fourth generation, Mr. Douglass and I are avid participants in social media and relish the idea of sharing our experiences and knowledge with our community.
Please tune in to learn more about us, our farm, share our experiences and journey, seasonal recipes, and any other ideas that may come to mind. 

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